Golden Jewelry Derringer Pistol in a Ring
1600 $Derringer Nickel Brass Scale 1:6 Handgun Jewelry
350 $Derringer Pinfire Gun Keychain
180 $Derringer Silver Jewelry Gun (scale 1:6)
400 $Desert Eagle (scale 1:6) Miniature Pistol Keychain
160 $Desert Eagle Gun (scale 1:4)
550 $Flintlock Pistol (scale 1:3)
300 $MAT-49 Submachine Gun (scale 1:6)
600 $FN Baby Browning (scale 1:3) Miniature Gun Keychain
190 $Frank Wesson Derringer
200 $M17 (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol Keychain
170 $Miniature M17 Black Gun (Scale 1:4)
180 $Large Leather Holster for a Miniature Gun
35 $Leather Holster for a Miniature Gun
25 $Lefaucheux Revolver (scale 1:4)
800 $Luger (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol Key Chain
350 $Luger Pistol with Wood Grips (Scale 1:4)
350 $M16 (scale 1:6) Miniature Rifle
300 $Makarov (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol
160 $Mauser 7.65 (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol Keychain
160 $Mauser C96 Black (scale 1:4) Pistol
560 $Mouse Double-Barreled Gun
200 $One set (10 pcs) of parts of toy type 2c
20 $One set (10 pcs) of parts of toy type 3c2m
20 $One set (10 pcs) of parts of toy type 1mm
100 $One set (10 pcs) of parts of toy type 2pl
20 $One set (10 pcs) of parts of toy type 3mm
20 $One set of flares for signal miniatures (10 pcs with random colors)
40 $Pen Gun
300 $Ring Gun Revolver
800 $Savage 1907 (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol
220 $SIG Sauer P220 (scale 1:4) Miniature Pistol
300 $SIG Sauer P220 with black grips (scale 1:4)
350 $Smith & Wesson Model 12 Revolver (scale 1:3)
800 $Steyr-Mannlicher M1894 (scale 1:4)
270 $Taurus Revolver (scale 1:4)
800 $