Is it possible for miniature pistols
to cause harm to a person?

A miniature pistol cannot threaten life because it is impossible to create a penetrating wound of 5 cm and damage vital organs with a shot from such a weapon.
To avoid any negative consequences from miniature weapons, it is necessary to follow basic safety rules strictly.

Safety rules with miniature weapons:

  • Keep your mini guns only, NOT loaded
  • Once your miniature weapon is charged, please DO NOT point it at a person, other living creature, or objects not intended to be damaged
  • Keep miniature weapons away from children. Remember that miniature gun kits contain small parts, miniature cartridges, or screws; a child doesn’t have to swallow them.

According to the conclusion of the Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Examinations, miniature pistols, and cartridges do not belong to the category of firearms and combat ammunition. They can be freely used for recreational shooting, even outside special premises and sites (shooting ranges and grounds).

If you follow these simple safety rules, owning a miniature guns will be safe and bring you a lot of fun and enjoyment