Рубрика: мініатюрна зброя

Weapons and Historical Figures of the 20th Century. Part I: The Bad Guys

Table of Contents Stalin & Makarov Pistol Chiang Kai-shek & Mauser K98 Adolf Hitler & Golden Walther PPK Fidel Castro & Golden Colt 1911 Saddam Hussein & Golden AK-47 Muammar Gaddafi & Golden Browning Hi-Power Do evil leaders share a…

Browning Hi-Power: The Craft and History of an Iconic Collectible Miniature Pistol

Browning Hi Power Handgun

Table of Contents Inventing the Gun Pistol’s Milestones How Browning Works? Miniature Browning Guns Browning Hi-Power (scale 1:3) Miniature Pistol The most popular weapons among miniature collectors are historical models that are no longer in production but are well-known in…