Рубрика: Деррінджер

“The Finest Miniature Firearms in the World”: W.Polah Masterpieces Featured on “Hidden Treasures” TV-Show

People are my treasures I adore what I do. The theme of miniature weapons attracts people with a complex inner world who can notice the finest details—a rare kind of person. Among them are top-level experts and some of the…

“Great Arms in Miniature” — the Book About the Art of Tiny Weaponry by Antonio Rincón

The cover of Antonio Rincón’s book, Great Arms in Miniature. The book was edited and released in 2005.

The world of gun miniatures often surprises newcomers—whether from a unique gift, a magazine article, or an antique store visit. If you’re captivated by the beauty of real tiny weapons, that interest can be hard to shake. However, beginners often…