Рубрика: Браунінг Хай Пауер

Browning Hi-Power: The Craft and History of an Iconic Collectible Miniature Pistol

Browning Hi Power Handgun

Table of Contents Inventing the Gun Pistol’s Milestones How Browning Works? Miniature Browning Guns Browning Hi-Power (scale 1:3) Miniature Pistol The most popular weapons among miniature collectors are historical models that are no longer in production but are well-known in…

Основні моменти драми: як легендарна вогнепальна зброя визначає найкращі британські серіали

The United Kingdom has long been renowned for its compelling and intricately plotted crime television series, weaving tales of mystery, suspense, and the complex lives of detectives. British crime shows stand out not just for their clever storytelling and deep…

Славнозвісні фільми і славнозвісна зброя: "Поліцейський із Беверлі Хіллз" та Браунінг Хай-Павер

Today is a long-awaited topic. A new handsome gun has appeared in our collection. We introduce to you our miniature Browning Hi-Power. This Belgian pistol was developed long before the World War II, but it is still used today. Police…