Ласкаво просимо на сайт бренду W.POLAH, присвячений мініатюрній зброї! Від цих крихітних пістолетів у захваті вся спільнота любителів зброї. Наші моделі, що стріляють, ідеально підходять в якості предметів колекціонування як для ентузіастів-початківців, так і для досвідчених колекціонерів.
Великий вибір мініатюрної вогнепальної зброї, в тому числі різноманітні пістолети калібру 2 міліметри, які є точними копіями своїх реальних аналогів. Ці справжні міні-шедеври виготовлені з найвищим рівнем майстерності та увагою до найменших деталей, що гарантує їхню точність та функціональність. Від старовинних револьверів до сучасних пістолетів – у нас є широкий асортимент товарів.
PLAY & COLLECT Miniature models that actually shoot
100% SATISFIED Highest ratings on all marketplaces
REALISTICITY Every model looks like a real weapon
WARRANTIES One year of free service for all miniatures
The 2mm cap guns we offer are not only beautifully crafted, but they are also fully functional. These miniature firearms shoot tiny bullets designed to pack a punch despite their size.
Наш інтернет-магазин пропонує якісну мініатюрну вогнепальну зброю. Колекціонування справжніх міні-пістолетів є пристрастю для багатьох людей, і ми прагнемо надавати нашим клієнтам найкраще обслуговування! Отже, почніть свою колекцію мініатюрної зброї. Купуйте наші масштабні моделі пістолетів, рушниць, гармат, та відкривайте для себе захопливий світ вишуканого і благородного хобі.
Hey! I got my package and OMG it’s so perfect I haven’t shoot it yet but I love it! Thanks you so much! I will let you know which other perfect miniature gun i want next.
I will think of you with happiness when I use this, and my thoughts will always be joyous to have such an engineering marvel!
Hello, Olha, my friend! It is remarkable how will and beautiful your miniature firearms are. Those long gun miniatures are exquisite, and remarkable! I would say that you are now, the premier miniature firearms maker, in the world. Keep up the great work, and your great spirit! Your friend,
Olha, I just wanted to let you know that the ring arrived today and is beyond amazing. It is so amazing that you were able to create such a tiny functional gun. Thank you so much and this new shipping method was amazing. It arrived in eight days. Thank you so much again and I am beyond thrilled with the finished product.
I received the Lefaucheux revolver. I have always been amazed every time I have received a gun from you, and this one is just perfect! Thanks once again for great service and a super great product!
The model TT I received is more than I could of asked for! Love it! I would love to order some more items from you. Beautiful and a work of art! Way more than I could’ve ever expected.
I chose Mouse because it doesn’t have a frame in the trigger guard. Luger for the aesthetics. There will be another order! The bullet flies aimed almost four meters – this is a great indicator. The box is also the best.
This mini AK-47 is AMAZING! The quality will definitely make it special for me. So, I instantly hopped back on and ordered another one miniature weapon by W.Polah! I would definitely recommend!
Dear Olha, I recieved the card gun and love it. This is so cool and absolutely beautiful. Works very well. Really great experience! I just say keep doing what you are doing and keep making your guns! Thank you.
You looked after every detail on the miniature firearm, and the fine wooden storage box. Everything just stunning and beautiful, a tiny engineering feat, a work of working art! Thank you for your craftsmanship.
That machine gun is miniature is beyond words. It is beautiful, complicated to make, and working with such tiny precision parts. To me, this is the Mona Lisa of Miniature Firearms! Fantastic, excellent job, Olga!
I received the wonderful Makarov.I’m very impressed with the fine craft. This product is great!It is surely a beautiful piece. Thank you very much for your skill and caring. Be well and keep safe.
Thank you for a wonderful piece of craftsmanship.I’m so happy with the Colt 1911. I’m amazed of your care and quality of the work you put into the guns. I will recommend you to anyone that is looking for a true collector piece!
Dear Olga, you are an excellent Company with good ideas and perfect PRODUCTS! Very nice ring and miniature derringer, keep up the good work. I admire You, be well, love.
That TT Pistol, is the finest, most detailed, and superbly made miniature firearm that I have ever seen! From the bottom of my heart, Dear Olha, I thank you!
You are so good at what you do. You are truly an Artist. Never give up! I am looking forward to the day that I can get the brand new item from you. Hopefully it will be soon!
Ласкаво просимо на WPolah.com – ваш найкращий сайт мініатюрної зброї!
Discover the captivating world of miniature guns at WPolah.com. Experience the fusion of power, elegance, and charm that our lifelike tiny replica guns offer. With the ability to shoot, these military artifacts are more than just a showpiece. Explore our collection and find inspiration in the beauty of our miniature firearms.
Мініатюрна зброя – ідеальне поєднання майстерності та точності
At WPolah.com, we take pride in our miniature guns, which are more than mere playthings. They are works of art that capture the essence of their full-sized counterparts, inspiring awe and admiration for their precision and craftsmanship.
2-міліметрові пістолети – малий розмір, велика сила пострілу
Indulge in a mesmerizing collection of 2mm guns catering to firearms enthusiasts’ whims. You’ll be captivated by our assorted range of guns, including vintage models and modern classics. These miniature guns are not just visually appealing replicas but also mimic the operational mechanics of their full-sized counterparts.
Our 2mm guns are a perfect blend of novelty and functionality. Despite their small size, these guns can shoot, providing an unforgettable experience. The weight and feel of these guns in your hands will transport you back in time, making you feel a part of history.
At our store, authenticity is a top priority regarding miniature replica guns. Our replicas are not just scaled-down models but also precise representations, reproducing the same operational mechanics as their full-sized counterparts. You can feel the thrill of handling a miniature gun that can shoot and appreciate the intricate details that make these guns unique. Our diverse selection of 2mm guns is a real treat for firearms enthusiasts. From vintage models to modern classics, our items replicate the aesthetics of these firearms and their functional characteristics. These guns are tiny but can shoot, creating a unique blend of novelty and functionality.
When it comes to our collection of miniature replica guns, it’s all about authenticity. These replicas are more than just scaled-down versions of their full-sized counterparts – they’re accurate representations, reproducing the same operational mechanics. Experience the thrill of handling a miniature gun that can shoot and feel the weight of history in your hands.
Чому саме WPolah.com?
Коли ви обираєте WPolah.com, ви обираєте надійне джерело якості, автентичності та різноманітності. Ми захоплюємося мистецтвом мініатюризації та прагнемо надати вам найкращий вибір мініатюрних копій зброї.
Наша команда гарантує, що кожен продукт відповідає високим стандартам якості. Від складних деталей до полірованої обробки, ми гарантуємо, що кожен наш виріб подарує преміальний досвід.
Пориньте у світ мініатюрної зброї разом з WPolah.com
Відкрийте для себе захоплюючий світ мініатюр з WPolah.com. У нас є все: від крихітних пістолетів, які ідеально підходять для колекціонерів, до 2-міліметрових рушниць, якими можна стріляти. Зануртеся в нашу велику колекцію та знайдіть мініатюрні копії зброї, які відповідають вашим персональним інтересам.
WPolah.com: ми пропонуємо більше, ніж вироби – ми надаємо шлях до захоплюючого хобі, спільноту ентузіастів-однодумців і можливість володіти частинкою історії.